Monday, September 2, 2013

August 2013 Song of the Month: Let's Make This World a Better Place

Sorry to make you all wait! But here is this month's offering.This month we were away most of the month in Cozumel (I know, but someone had to sacrifice...) In any case, one morning while there, I was lounging at our rental home. Most of the adults I was with had gone out to the market shopping, but I had offered to stay back with the kids.  I was reviewing my songs and playing some of them on my computer. My young, creative friend Ari (11 years old) looked up from her Ipad and asked me about my songwriting process. She said she had an idea for a song chorus and really wanted to figure out what to do with it next. She sang the chorus for me, and I asked her if she had GarageBand on her Ipad. She didn't. I told her she should ask her mom to get it, and proceeded to show her the basics on my computer. First I showed her the looped drums, and together we picked a couple that seemed like they would go with her chorus. Next I made up and recorded a bass line that fit her chorus and had her sing the chorus over top of it. She started getting really excited about the results, and wanted to add more to the song. We discussed songwriting, and lyric writing. I showed her the way I write verses. We talked about what she really wanted to get across. I told her about the magic of threes, and she got busy writing.

Once she started writing lyrics, I would offer constructive criticism along the way (yeah, that works. no, that's too silly, you need more syllables to make that line work, how about phrasing it this way, and so on.) She never faltered. Once she had one verse down, we experimented with how to put it with the chorus. We found some cool background loops that made the verse music sound different from the chorus, and she recorded the first verse. The second verse came more easily, and we laid that track down, too. I started adding harmonies to the chorus, and we added a few more musical parts. We got a little silly then and played around with the vocal filters and various sounds (you have to be able to have fun while you create, after all). She wanted to finish the song, but was starting to get tired. The last verse took more guidance, but she eventually figured out what the big message was. I had to make more suggestions on this one, but finally it was to a point we both liked it. It needed a bridge, though, or something to keep it from being too much the same. Luckily, I was able to find some piano loops that just seemed to be made for it! She loved how they sounded, and then we added the last verse.

I was very impressed with Ari on the final chorus. I told her she needed to give it extra pizzazz for a big finish. I gave her a bit of an example, and she ran with it. She was a great songwriting partner!
We probably spent about 4 hours together creating this song. When the rest of the families got home, Ari proudly knocked her parents' socks off with her song. I had originally thought I would write something else for this month, but I decided to honor Ari, my songwriting partner, by creating the video to go with our song. I used many images from our trip, many of which were taken by Ari's mom, some by her dad, and some by me. The rest of the images (ones not involving the Caribbean) I got from the internet. I know this isn't me singing, but I definitely was involved, and I am hoping I have inspired Ari enough to get her using technology to help her get her own music down more independently in the future - Look out world!
So there you have it -- I hope you enjoy our song!