Thursday, August 30, 2012

August Song of the Month: Three AM

I just realized that if you look at the times when I posted last month's song and this month's song, they are both after midnight. Funny. So here it is, in all its late-night glory. Don't forget, I am really looking forward to hearing feedback and comments about my work, so please feel free to comment! Thanks, and enjoy!


  1. Yes! Another hit single by the fabulous multi-talented Zoe. She composes music, writes lyrics, plays keyboard, and sings. In her "spare time", that is, when she's not working as a full time teacher, as well as wife and mother. (I keep saying she does not give herself enough credit. Now she has to accept the praise she is due in her own comments section. Mwa-ha-ha.)
    -signed, the completely unbiased and totally admiring husband

  2. Zoe, this song is incredible! I could listen to you for hours. This one has it all--amazing lyrics, beautiful melody, and the pictures illustrate it perfectly. I especially loved the feeling of the balloon ride!
    Love you,

  3. You are amazing! I love the irony of a simply AMAZING song about not being able to write a song...evidently you are not lacking a muse nor talent. If you didn't know it already... consider me a groupie. - Love Mindy

    PS... I've been so enamoured of your voice that I had (until now) yet to really appreciate your piano playing. Love it!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful. This song is so evocative...I can really picture the scene... and feel the restlessness, the searching, and ultimately the finding. Brava!
