Monday, July 16, 2012

July Song of the Month: Follow the Child

Here's the first Song of the Month! It is called "Follow the Child", and I wrote it at the Creative Pulse Music Seminar. This song is about being a Montessori teacher, where the philosophy is about being a guide and following children's interests. I wrote it in one hour as a challenge to myself. I recorded it in Pantzer Dormitory on my Garage Band program. Hope you enjoy it! Please give me feedback.

Blogger doesn't let you post Mp3s, so I had to make the song into a movie. I got the images from a Google search; they are not mine. Jerry wants me to tell all you non-musicians out there that I wrote the lyrics and composed the music for the song -- that's what "I wrote the song" means. Hugs, Zoe


  1. Have you ever read the journal/magazine The Sun? We've been getting it for years... don't always take the time to read it thoroughly, but when I do, its always a good read.

    They have a section called Readers Write. Every month there's a new theme so people can write about it. I'm going to submit something for September... but I thought the open-ended topics might also appeal to you for song inspirations.

    Here's the upcoming themes: Trying Too Hard, Going Home (that's the one I'm working on), Eyes, Winging It, Skin, Breaking the Rules...

  2. Thanks, Mindy! I will think about those for next month!

  3. Wonderful to hear your voice, Zoe! What a beautiful message! Consider sharing the song with Tim Seldin and singing it at the IMC's annual conference! I can envision you on stage, perhaps with Andrew, other musicians, and even some students, and the teachers really loving it!

  4. Hi Zoe,
    I found your blog. This is a cool project. Here is some feedback. Hopefully this is what you are looking for.
    I love the sentiment of the song and I like the chorus. My suggestion for ways to make the verses more interesting would be to focus on the aspects in which children are not like adults. Instead of throwing out a lot of adjectives, I would just pick a few of these ideas to develop-- like maybe how they don't get embarrassed easily, don't know their limits, don't know it hasn't been done before, you know things that hold us back that we can learn from them. I would also be careful about using big words like "commitment". In a song about children, you might want to use simple language that paints the picture with spelling the concepts out. Another thing about using long words is that they tend to stand out from the other words. You can get them better integrated with internal rhymes, but that works best in something sophisticated. They are also useful for humor, but can sometimes be unintentionally funny, because we don't expect to hear them in a song.

  5. Thanks! I love the feedback. Yes, commitment is a mouthful. I wrote it for my fellow grad students, though, so that is my excuse. :) Seriously, though, it is a good point, and something to keep in mind for the future.

  6. What a great idea, Zoe! You are so talented, I love that you are now also asking yourself to be disciplined. It can only benefit us all--especially those who get to listen!
